Green Mountain Kosher is a peer-to-peer, heimish, grassroots, and transparent kosher supervision initiative supporting Philly-based food and beverage producers in getting their products to the kosher-observant, and kosher-adjacent, consumer.

Green Mountain Kosher provides supervision to producers who follow the halachic traditions of kashrut. The producers who choose GMK as their kosher supervisor are those who place a primacy on the following values:

Transparency. Consumers are encouraged to ask any and all questions they may have both to Rabbi Gabe Greenberg, the GMK halachic advisor, and the producers themselves.

Community. GMK works because all the constituencies know and trust one another. GMK does not charge money for their services. We are neither a for-profit, nor a non-profit; we are simply a community of people who care deeply about Jewish community, halacha, and food.

Informed Choice. GMK believes that the kosher consumer is best positioned to make halachic decisions for themselves. We encourage the asking of questions, and will provide all of the information that we have about the relevant production and ingredient questions, and reasoning behind our halachic decision making process. It is then up to the consumer (in consultation with their own trusted halachic authorities, should they so desire) to make the decision that is right for them.

If you have further questions, feel free to reach out to either Rabbi Gabe Greenberg, the GMK halachic advisor, Eli Silins of Camuna Cellars, or hazzan Mordechai Schram of hamutzim.

לֵ֣ךְ אֱכֹ֤ל בְּשִׂמְחָה֙ לַחְמֶ֔ךָ וּֽשֲׁתֵ֥ה בְלֶב־ט֖וֹב יֵינֶ֑ךָ כִּ֣י כְבָ֔ר רָצָ֥ה הָאֱלֹהִ֖ים אֶֽת־מַעֲשֶֽׂיךָ׃ 

Go, eat your bread in gladness, and drink your wine in joy; for your action was long ago approved by God.
